POP QUIZ: What's better than good food?
ANSWER: Cheap, good food!
Yesterday was my weekly shopping trip to Publix. I try to always shop on Wednesdays for two reasons: 1) I don't have to take my children with me and 2) The penny item is only available on Wednesdays. I spent all afternoon Wednesday making my plan of attack. I went to my favorite blog iheartpublix.com and looked at Michelle's match ups. I made my list of the items that I wanted to purchase and then set about finding all of the coupons I could for what I planned on buying. I had 31 coupons, four of which doubled, four of which were competitor's coupons from Target, and three of which were Publix store coupons. All in all, I did pretty good. I spent $78.04 and I saved $87.01 for a total savings of 53%.
On to the cheap, good food. As I was making my way to the refrigerated section for some much needed milk I saw a display in the middle of the isle entitled "Stock Up Now". On the display were boxes of Betty Crocker Muffin/Quick Bread mixes. And on each box was a beautiful blue peelie (a coupon stuck on the actual item it is to be used on) for $1.00 off. The mixes were on sale two for $2.59, making them $1.29 each. Subtract the $1.00 coupon per box and I scored each box for .29. What an unexpected deal! This is why it is so important to be on the look out for great surprise deals as you shop. Even if your family doesn't like muffins, at .29 a box you could afford to buy a couple of boxes to donate to your local food pantry. Or how about a little happy gift for your dear friend or your child's sweet teacher? Paul tells us in 2 Corinthians 9:7 that God loves a cheerful giver. Try to think of that in terms other than money. We can be a cheerful giver of our time, talents as well as our resources.
Now for the muffins. Make the muffins according to the directions on the back of the box. It is the perfect amount for 12 muffins. But what would a Cinnamon Streusel muffin be without a little icing? So here is the icing I make for all things cinnamon:
In a small sauce pan over low heat, melt 1 tablespoon of butter. Add 1 cup of confectioner's sugar and stir well. Start with 2 tablespoons of milk and stir until smoothly blended. You can add more of any ingredient to get the texture and taste just right. You may also add 1 teaspoon of vanilla or almond extract.
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